Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Weekly Gaze

The Weekly Gaze

Greetings Gazers! This week we are featuring Town Building Themes!

Sanctuary has a solid, go with the land building theme! Their cottages are well designed and charming. Let's see, shall we?
This one was built by ThePunisher1028 and KrysKrys8. This home is an example of what Sanctuary expects of its residents and their natural/modernized cottage theme.

Built by KrysKrys8, her home is quite stunning. Another great example of Sanctuary's building style as it is spacious while also keeping the natural integrity of the mountain. 

Shizsnok built his home beneath the cliff above, showing perfectly our motto to keep the land around our homes looking as natural as it was before building.

Built by ThePunisher1028, This building is our housing area's community center and bank to be. Though it is still under construction on the interior, the exterior represents our town's theme exceptionally. 

Also built by ThePunisher1028 this path bridges the distance between Sanctuary and Arendelle. The path reflects Sanctuary's building code in its detail and natural feel. 

Our Winner: KrysKrys8! Congratulations!! From now on, Weekly Gaze prizes will be available in Z's Office. She is in Office number 1 in the South Wing! You will have one week to pick up your prize before it is given away, so be sure to pick it up before the next Weekly Gaze! 

And that concludes this weeks Weekly Gaze! As a clarification on the rules; Anyone can enter into the Weekly Gaze contest! No need to let your town leader take all the glory! It is a contest after all. As per request, next week we will be spotlighting Basements! So if you have a basement, jazz it up and make it your pride and joy to enter into next weeks contest! When Entering please clarify the builder of the item you are entering! Also, don't be afraid to suggest new spotlights. The Prize for next week will be one Wolf Egg

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