Village Information

Previous Rank: Settlement
Next Rank: Town

What's a Village? 

A village is just the beginning of a community.  It's a group of players trying to establish themselves and work together to create a nice place to live.  The goal is no longer just to survive, it's to thrive.


In order to be recognized as a village, you will need to have the following:
  • A designated village leader 
  • Designated village colors and a village banner.
  • Must have spent 2 weeks as an active settlement
  • Four residents (the leader + 3 others)
    • A house/base/shelter for every resident 
    • Each resident must have been active on the server for at least 1 week.
  • Three community farms (plants, animals, or hostile mobs)
  • A visible border showing where your village starts and ends
    • This can be a road, a fence, a river, a wall, etc.  It just needs to be clear where members of your village can build and where outsiders can't.  
    • You are welcome to expand this border as the village grows.
  • A village storage area for shared materials.  

Once you think you have all of these requirements in place, request a review from Zherix.  She will look over your area and determine that you've met all the requirements.  

  • On weekdays, reviews will be done once a day at 12pm server time (Pacific Standard Time).  Please put your request in to Zherix before then.
  • On weekends, reviews may be done more frequently depending on Z's availability. 


Upon receiving approval from Zherix, these will be your rewards:

Member Perks: 
  • A rabbit spawn egg.
  • A set of leather armor designed in the village's colors
  • A book & quill 
  • All villagers will receive the option to use the "/pet" commands and will have the following pets available (as well as the previous rank's pets) to choose from:
    • Wolf
    • Bat
    • Rabbit
    • Slime (small)
    • Sheep (any color)
    • + The option to make their pet baby.  "/pet [animal]:baby"
World Perks: 
  • The village will receive their own designated office at spawn to decorate how they choose.  
  • All members of the village will receive the suffix "of VillageName" 
  • A discovery warp pad to make it easier to return home and to attract visitors 
Leader Perks: 
  • The leader will receive the title of "Fyrd" before his/her username
  • A set of enchanted leather armor in the village's colors.

Leader: Squire

Unlike the settlement stage, villages get to appoint leaders.  The term "Fyrd" may be a bit unfamiliar.  In Medieval times, a Fyrd was a group that protected small farms, shires, or villages.  As your village is just starting out, they will need one brave Fyrd to help direct them, protect them from zombies, and help them survive!

What's next?

Now that you're officially a village, it might be time to start distinguishing yourselves.  What makes your place unique?  What sets you aside from other groups?  Keep gathering materials and building to make your village even greater!

Important Notice on Activity

Failure to maintain residents and activity will result in the village and residents losing all titles and perks.  The village will go into "Ghost Town" status until the requirements are met again.  Titles and some perks may be restored, but item rewards will not be redistributed.