City Information

Previous Rank: Town
Next Rank: Metropolis

What's a City? 

A city is a bustling place with a variety of different people and tons of activities.  It seems like, day or night, there are always city members to be found around the realm.  These people are very Minecraft savvy and know what it takes to succeed.


In order to become a city, you will need to have the following:
  • A designated city leader 
  • Eight or more active residents
    • Each resident must have a home/base/shelter.
    • Each resident must be active for at least 2 weeks
  • A least two lit roads, safe for horses, connecting to another village, town, city, or metropolis
  • A nicely built, lit, safe road to one of spawn's main roads
  • A fully charged enchanting table for city use
  • A lit beacon so the city can be seen from far away
  • A cohesive theme throughout the city in either building style or materials
  • A library 
    • Preferably with at least 3 unique, written books
  • Two city attractions
    • This is open to interpretation, but it should be neat enough that people would want to travel out of their way to come see it.  
    • Ideas: a mob grinder, sculpture, game, minecart coaster, a unique public building, etc. -- be creative!
    Once you think you have all of these requirements in place, request a review from Zherix.  She will look over your area and determine that you've met all the requirements.  
    • On weekdays, reviews will be done once a day at 12pm server time (Pacific Standard Time).  Please put your request in to Zherix before then.
    • On weekends, reviews may be done more frequently depending on Z's availability. 


    Upon receiving approval from Zherix, these will be your rewards:

    Member Perks: 
    • A ocelot spawn egg for each active member 
    • A colored name and title 
      • (the color must be agreed on by the leader and members)
    • All members of the town will receive the suffix "of CityName" after their username 
    • All city folk will receive the option to use the "/pet" commands and will have the following pets available (as well as the previous rank's pets) to choose from:
      • Ocelot
      • Zombie
      • Skeleton
      • Witch
      • Spider
      • Silver Fish
      • Slime (any size)
      • + The option to wear their pets on their head as a hat!
    World Perks: 
    • The option to start a third Outpost (for a grand total of 2)
    • An additional discovery warp (for a total of 2)
    Leader Perks: 
    • The leader will receive the title of "Jarl" before his/her username
    • For every 5 members, the leader may appoint one second-in-command 
    • The leader will receive a special enchanted sword
    It's no easy feat to make it all the way to city ranks!  Stay active, be involved in the community, and you have no where to go but up!

    Leader: Thane

    This leader served nobly as a squire and went above and beyond to protect the village.  The village has grown into a town, which means the leader's responsibilities have too.  This earns the leader the title of "Thane," whose responsibility is to continue to lead and serve the people of the town.  

    Second in Command: 

    For every 5 members in the group, the leader may appoint 1 second-in-command title.  All appointed second-in-command leaders will receive the title of "Karl".  

    What's next?

    Whew!  Getting to city was hard work, but you all have a lot to show for your efforts.  

    Important Notice on Activity

    Failure to maintain residents and activity will result in the town and residents losing all titles and perks.  The town will go into "Ghost Town" status until the requirements are met again.  Titles and some perks may be restored, but item rewards will not be redistributed.