Town Information

Previous Rank: Village
Next Rank: City

What's a Town? 

A town is a nicely established community that's larger than a village, but not quite as large as a city.  The town's basic needs are taken care of -- there is plenty of food and supplies to go around, so everyone now has time to fixate on their talents and show off their skills.


In order to be counted as a town, you will need to have the following:
  • A designated town leader 
  • Six or more active residents
    • A house/base/shelter for every resident 
    • Each resident must have been active on the server for at least 2 weeks.
  • A town hall/visitor center
  • A least one lit road, safe for horses, connecting to another village, town, city, or metropolis
  • An established marketplace
  • One town attraction 
    • This is open to interpretation, but it should be neat enough that people would want to travel out of their way to come see it.  
    • Ideas: a mob grinder, sculpture, game, minecart coaster, a unique public building, etc. -- be creative!
    Once you think you have all of these requirements in place, request a review from Zherix.  She will look over your area and determine that you've met all the requirements.  
    • On weekdays, reviews will be done once a day at 12pm server time (Pacific Standard Time).  Please put your request in to Zherix before then.
    • On weekends, reviews may be done more frequently depending on Z's availability. 


    Upon receiving approval from Zherix, these will be your rewards:

    Member Perks: 
    • All members of the town will receive a villager spawn egg named "TownName Villager".
    • All members of the town will receive the suffix "of TownName" after their username 
    • All town members will receive the option to use the "/pet" commands and will have the following pets available (as well as the previous rank's pets) to choose from:
      • Villager
      • Snowman
      • Iron Golem
      • Squid
      • Cave Spider
    • All members will have access to Minecraft's chat colors 
    World Perks: 
    • The town banner will be displayed in the center of spawn's garden
    • The town will have the option to start an Outpost in another biome
    Leader Perks: 
    • The leader will receive the title of "Thane" before his/her username
    • A special mule
    • A saddle
    Your town is thriving!  With your fantastic attractions, people will be coming from all around to see all that you have built!  Go see what other civilizations are out there and take inspiration.

    Leader: Squire

    After protecting the village and helping everyone thrive, our small Fyrd deserves a new title.  The primary player in command will have the title of squire.  When we think of the word "squire" in English, we sometimes just think of a servant or a knight's helper, but in the Middle Ages, squires were both protectors and village leaders.

    Second in Command: 

    For every 4 members in the group, the leader may appoint 1 second-in-command title.  All appointed second-in-command leaders will receive the title of "Hird".  

    What's next?

    Now that you're officially a town, it might be time to think about recruiting more players to your area.  As you may come to realize, a lot of new players would rather attempt to strike out on their own or become a leader of a new settlement.  You'll have to really strut your stuff to show them they're better off with your town!

    Important Notice on Activity

    Failure to maintain residents and activity will result in the town and residents losing all titles and perks.  The town will go into "Ghost Town" status until the requirements are met again.  Titles and some perks may be restored, but item rewards will not be redistributed.