
What is it?
TreeAssist is a plugin that automatically chops down an entire tree when a player uses an axe on one of the bottom blocks.  It also automatically replants a sapling.

Why do we have it?
While TreeAssist is a nice time saver, we mainly have it to prevent our server from being deforested.  Anyone can chop down any tree and always have it replanted.

How Can I Opt Out?
You can opt out of TreeAssist by hitting 't' to bring up chat and typing the command:

  • /TreeAssist Toggle

This will allow you to toggle TreeAssist on or off.

Useful Commands

More Information
There isn't very much to TreeAssist and it's easy to use, but there is a nifty tutorial on Youtube that will explain some of the features.

For more information, visit the TreeAssist plugin page:

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