Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Weekly Gaze

Wednesday Where Am I? Winner!

Our latest Wednesday winner is none other than SirMeatwad of the Lost Hills! Congratulations, Meat! The location was just outside of Arendelle at an abandoned work site.

If you want to see the original puzzle, click here. If you want to get in on the next Wednesday game, you can read the competition rules here.

The Weekly Gaze

Greetings Gazers! This week we are spotlighting water features!

First up we have the south gate of Sanctuary, though the castle isn't yet finished, this water feature makes it seem quite welcoming!

Otter's horsey-watery-falley-snowey-flowery-thingey. Her horses like to play in this small natural stream.

Sliding up to the plate is skdavitt's lion, sitting on a podium surrounded by a small moat, very creative!

Arendelle's wishing well. (That rhymes!) Also, try to say that 10 times fast, go ahead, it's fun! Try dropping a gold ingot in and see if your wish comes true!

Here we have Hyper's pond-jumping bridge. I am intrigued how he decorated it with the sugar cane! Very nice. 

Last but not least is the Lost Hills tiered wheat farm!

Thanks to everyone for their submissions, this Weekly Gaze is the most successful! 

As I said before prizes are now being offered to the winner of the spotlight. I struggled between two submissions but eventually decided on skdavitt as the winner of this week's spotlight. Congrats skdavitt! Your prize will be awarded to you as soon as possible.

On another note, next week's spotlight will focus on town building themes. Is your town cohesive in its building style? (Tribes and personal builds can also be submitted if the theme is cohesive throughout several buildings) Do the players in a town work together? The Prize for the winner of this spotlight will be some records for the winner to enjoy some new music! 

On yet another note, here is the format for submitting spotlight entries to z2liion:
  1. You must have the name of the player who built the object being submitted for the spotlight.
  2. You must have the coordinates.
  3. Town name the object is being submitted from. 
  4. (Optional) Any stories about the object, or anything you want said about it on the spotlight, this must be in quotation.
  5. (Optional) Recommendations for next weeks spotlights, been wanting me to do a spotlight? Tell me what you want here, as well as what prizes you would like to see!
  6. Submit these to z2liion through personal messages in Skype, OR in game by using the letter system.


  • /letter Hey Z here is my submission for the spotlight. Gooberbiscuit built it, it is at (to add more words if you are cut off, hold the letter in your hand and continue:)
  • /letter 1000, 64, 1000. It is a dispenser for carrots, when you hit the button to dispense, it grows, harvests, and refills itself using a bonemeal dispenser, a piston, hopper, and another dispenser!

To send the letter to me, while holding the same letter type:
  • /post z2liion

Always make sure that the coordinates you are sending me are correct, and not being accidentally cut off. If I see 1000, 64, 100 I will go to those coords, not knowing that the Z coordinate is supposed to have a third 0. Z WILL NO LONGER SEARCH FOR SPOTLIGHTS WITH INVISIBLE COORDINATES. *makes angry face* 

Thank you all and I look forward to the next spotlight! 

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